Call (925) 493-1998

About Dr. Paiso

Livermore Chiropractic & Wellness Center
Our Philosophy and Commitment to Exceptional Care

As a third generation doctor of chiropractic as well as being related to 75 other chiropractors, I truly am doing my life's work.
I grew up in Sothern California and completed my under graduate work before attending Life Chiropractic College in Georgia. I completed my education here in the bay area at Life Chiropractic College-West. While completing my internship I held an honors position as an Intern Supervisor a position I was able to expand after graduation to a pilot program for fellow doctors to follow after graduation and prior to being licensed. I was licensed in 1991 and opened my family practice here in Livermore the same year. I was called back to the college with a request to teach. I was an active teacher for over 5 years and enjoyed it immensely. But my true passion was seeing patients and improving the lives of what has now been thousands of people, so I resigned in 1997.


In 1998 I was blessed with the birth of my son Tanner and two years later my second son Landon and finally my last boy, Cameron was born just shy of two years after that. A closing word on my practice: My practice embraces the application of locating the cause of a patient's condition and correcting that cause, pretty simple in theory, right? But extremely complex when it comes to treatment and approach that I utilize to achieve this goal. More information on that approach can be discovered here. So with 3 boys and a growing practice I truly am blessed to be living the life I am.


Our Philosophy

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."   - Thomas Edison

Our Human body is an incredible organism with the ability to heal itself. If that ability is hindered in any way, the result is a body that is in a state known as dis-ease. It is the responsibility of upper cervicle practitioners to remove any interference that could be causing your body to malfunction. The goal is to restore normal function to your body with specific adjustments that address the root cause of your symptoms as opposed to masking the problem.

More About Us
Livermore Chiropractic & Wellness Center

News and Events
Fibro Clinic in Pleasanton

2017 | 0 comments
Free Consultations
All Fibromyalgia Clinic attendees revieve free consultations..

2017 | 5 comments
LifeWave Workshop
You are cordially invited to my LifeWave workshop on health and wellness..

2017 | 1 comments
See me at the festival
Bring a friend and recieve a free gift..


Pain is GONE!
Come down to the office for coffee!
Movie night in Livermore

Our Services

Exam and report
Correction of spinal posture
Supportive Therapies
Nutrition, Supplements, Neuro Muscular


(925) 493-1998
Livermore, CA 94551